Transforming Apocalypse: An Interactive Role-Playing Adventure facilitated by Lil Milagro Henriquez and four game masters from the Mycelium Youth Network

NOTE: This is a 120-minute session in which we will break up into 5 cohorts of 6-8 people, so register early because it is limited to 35 participants.

This session will be an interactive intergenerational futurist role-playing game in which people of all ages will collaborate to create a new future based on resilience and justice, centering the vision and leadership of younger generations. Participants will be placed into separate groups of 6-8 people who will then embark on an immersive journey through an eco-futurist, post-apocalypse world. Upon registration, you will receive a packet that explains the game, and each of us will select a specific character to embody in the scenario. 

A game master will facilitate each separate cohort. The intention is to be in the play and practice of collective decision-making for resilience and justice, honoring the wisdom and visions that different generations and identities hold. Youth participants will make up the majority in every cohort, ensuring that youth voices are centered in self-determining the world of the future.     

At the end of the game, the whole larger group will come back together and each team will share the choices they made and how those decisions shaped their outcomes. Inevitably, each group will have made different choices based on who was in the room and whose voices were most valued. This game is also designed to help demonstrate the multiplicity of imagined futures that we could step into at any given moment. By exploring themes of apocalypse and resilience through play, we open up space for radically imagining what is possible together from a place of curiosity and possibility.

If you are a youth (age 13 – 22) that would like to register for this session on scholarship, please email

December 12th | 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm


Lil Milagro Henriquez
Founder and Executive Director
Mycelium Youth Network
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2020 Conference - Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew
Bioneers 2020 Conference - Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew