Enough Already: Making Rights of Nature a Reality in Law

Interactive/Participatory Workshop

Changing the way that the legal system works to protect nature requires creating a new system—one based not on regulating the rate at which we destroy nature, but on which giving nature-protectors the necessary tools to advocate for the rights of ecosystems to exist, flourish, regenerate, and be restored. Two of the most prominent leaders in the field of Rights of Nature, who assisted the Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly to recognize the rights of nature in their constitution, will explore how to draft and advance rights of nature laws in your own community, as well as the challenges and obstacles faced in doing so, and the nitty-gritty of how to overcome those challenges and obstacles. With: Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey of the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights.

December 13th | 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm


Mari Margil
Executive Director
Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
Thomas Linzey
Senior Legal Counsel
Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
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