Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey – Changing Everything: The Global Movement for the Rights of Nature

Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey of the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights, leading figures in the global movement to recognize the legal rights of ecosystems and nature, will share exciting recent developments in that effort. They will highlight breakthroughs in tribal nations, communities, and countries around the world. They will explain how advancing the rights of nature in legal codes and constitutions can lead to a radical transformation in humankind’s relationship with the natural world.

December 13th | 10:39 am to 10:54 am


Mari Margil
Executive Director
Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
Thomas Linzey
Senior Legal Counsel
Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
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Bioneers 2020 Conference - Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew