Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan

| Movement Generation


Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan

Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan, a member of the Movement Generation (MG) staff collective who has been on its planning committee since 2008, has worked for the last 25 years building movement vehicles for frontline communities. Prior to her work at MG, she co-led the Center for Food and Justice, the National Farm to School Initiative, Rooted in Community, and the School of Unity and Liberation. Michelle was also a founding co-chair of the Climate Justice Alliance and the Our Power Campaign and was recently named an Ashoka Fellow (2017-2020).

Panel Presentations:

Panel: Frontline Leadership to Transform the World

December 6th | 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm

Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2020 Conference - Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew
Bioneers 2020 Conference - Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew